I'm giving 161 USD to Doctors Without Borders before the end of August. 161 of you liked the Facebook page since last week, and I am sure many more of you made your own personal donations to this organization which is helping give relief to refugees in East Africa affected by the drought. Doctors Without Borders is involved in many other regions all over the world. Click the link for more details.
That's a lot of money, to me anyway =3 You're very generous!
I don't know what you're talking about but I'm eager to hear about it! Followed, I'll be back!
that's great man! congrats!
Cograts!!! you're such a good person.
161$... better than nothing
Keep up the good work :D
Thats a really great gesture. It doesnt matter the actual amount, its the intention per se what matters. Thanks for doing this.
how generous you are :)
Good for you, and them by extension!
Also, in regards to your comment on my page,
You are most certainly very welcome.
You are awesome! Thanks!!!
Very nice cause to donate to, if this blogging thing pays off I will keep that organization in mind.
That's a very cool thing to do, dude. Totally support you.
That's an awesome thing you're doing! (:
I know it has NOTHING to do with your topic...but, well, every time I read the title "Doctors without Borders" all I can think about is that manga/anime "Blackjack."
Highly suggestable, sadly not on Netflix. BUUUUT it's a pretty sweet series with a practicing non-licensed doctor with plenty of way-out-there House-style bizarro medical happenings and goings-ons.
That's nice of you
thast nice, congrats ;)
Awesome! It's a really good cause to support, I'm glad you managed to raise so much money.
Good job, congrats
You are doing a great thing, props.
That's awesome! I haven't donated any money to doctors without borders, but our family donates money every month to children in Africa.
That's a really great gesture, Doctors Without Borders is truly a great organization!
Always nice to hear about a selfless act! Keep it up!
@Bastard: I'll check it out, then. Hahaha. If it's good, I'll buy you lunch for introducing me to such a good manga.
You're a generous person! Kudos to you!
cool! it's really nice
Dude, awesome. The world needs more people like you. I used to blog about charities and non-profits myself, I'm glad to see that there is still some light left in the world.
This is a very nice gesture. Thanks a lot for this.
Hey! Congratulations, very generous of you!
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