Saturday, July 30, 2011

The lac Operon Explained [Updated]

Click to enlarge Photo: NIH 
The lac operon is a favorite of microbiology and biology textbooks, used to explain transcription, regulation, and catabolism. Here's my quick synopsis of the regulation involved, making sure the cell only transcribes genes that encode lactose-eating enzymes only when it is physiologically necessary. But first, a GENETICS crash course in biology:

An operon is a group of genes transcribed as a single unit. It's like buying Orange Box. There's five separate games, but they're all purchased at once in a neat box. The same thing with an operon. If the operon is ON, you get all of the genes activated. If the operon is OFF, none of the genes are activated.

RNA polymerase is a protein that reads DNA molecules in the cell to make RNA. This RNA is then read again by ribosomes to direct the synthesis of specific proteins..

The lac operon is just a string of DNA with two regulatory sites on the DNA and three structural genes (but we'll only talk about two here). The first of the two regulatory sites is the promoter, where the RNA polymerase binds to read the operon to make an RNA copy of it. The second regulatory site is called the operator, where the repressor binds to the operon. The promoter and operator overlap, so if the operator site is occupied by the repressor, RNA polymerase can't access the promoter to start reading the rest of the operon. Imagine the repressor and RNA polymerase as two brothers, and think of the operator and promoter sites as a chair that just big enough for one of two brothers to sit in. One of the brothers, the repressor, is lazy and if he sits in the chair he's going to nap. If the other brother, RNA polymerase, gets to sit in the chair, he's going to be productive and a ton of protein's going to be made. These brothers aren't going to share the chair; either the repressor or RNA polymerase sits in it, but not both. If the repressor binds to operator, the operon is in the OFF position. No genes in the operon are being transcribed, no proteins are being made in that operon. If RNA polymerase binds to the promoter, the operon is in the ON position, and the structural genes are being transcribed. What decides who gets the chair, then?

Turns out the lazy repressor brother is allergic to lactose, so if there's lactose around, he dies and RNA polymerase gets to sit in the chair. In the presence of lactose, the repressor is inactivated, and as a result, the RNA polymerase is free to bind to the promoter of the operon and begin transcription of lacZ and lacY genes, which will be subsequently translated into galactosidase and permease proteins, respectively. These proteins allow the cell to break down lactose and use it as an energy source. First, permease must to allow lactose to enter the cell. Then galactosidase is required to break down lactose, a two ring sugar, into galactose and glucose, both single ringed sugars. Both proteins are required if the cell is to use lactose effectively as a source of energy. The fact that RNA polymerase only gets access to the promoter ("the chair") in the presence of lactose means the cell will only produce proteins required for lactose breakdown when there is actually lactose to break down. Otherwise, the repressor binds to the operator, and neither permease nor B-galactosidase is made.

In addition to negative regulation by the repressor, the lac operon is positively regulated by cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate. E. coli doesn't really like lactose. Positive regulation by cAMP ensures the cell will use lactose as a carbon source only in the absence of glucose, which is the preferred sugar for most cells because it is more efficient metabolically. This is known as catabolite repression. Glucose and cAMP levels are inversely proportional; the higher the concentration of glucose, the lower the concentration of cAMP. Only under low concentrations of glucose and high concentration of cAMP will the lac operon be activated and galactosidase and permease be produced. 

So there you have it. The operon is on only in the presence of lactose, when lactose binds and inactivates the repressor. The operon is on (to a much higher degree) when the cell is "starving" because there's no glucose around, and so the cell uses lactose as a backup carbon source.


If i keep reading this blog i will be a doctor by the end of the year hahaha this one was a bit complex i must say

Sorry, but the lac operon is so overdone, and this post adds no new insight, no humor, and is completely not up to par with your previous posts. Stick to physics.

I feel like I am sitting in bio class again, brings back memories of AP bio.

I disagree with Anon up there. Your journal is yours, and I'd estimate that the majority of your gradually-increasing audience is not aware of what a "lac operon" is. I know I wasn't.

Speaking of gradually-increasing, I plugged your blog on facebook a few times yesterday amongst my similarly-intellectual friends. Think I found you several new readers.

Stay sharp, friend.

@Anonymous: If you like physics, I hope you're as excited as I am about's next post on how variant space geometry causes cosmic redshift!

lol this brings back a lot of memories from college...I didn't liked Molecular Biology that much, I prefered the bigger stuff like ecology or zoology, but anyway I love your blog, you explain this stuff very good and bring it to the peoble
keep it up!

Wow. I really like this blog. I like your content. I'm looking into chemical physics or microbiology in college.

Haha, that may have went over my head a little. Bio for non-science majors graduate here, lol. Any chance you could break it down barney style for me?

I like ur work! follow you! see ya

It makes us remember our childhood and school time, with all that stuff we couldn't even support to hear the name.

I haven't even started on college bio classes yet. This post makes me a little nervous...

ummmm.....Lol i got lost in the first line haha "] sounds like some college related stuff.

Hmmm...hey, Genetic?

I was just wondering, who is the target audience of this blog? Students? Laymen?

Or are you like me in that "Hey, whoever and whatever mang" y'knowwhatImean?

I dunno, it was that Anon's comment which provoked me wondering at that. Of course it's hard for someone Anonymous to prove that they have a background in molecular biography, or access to medical journals in order to say something like "lac operon is overdone"...when, much like many here, this is the first goddamned time I've heard 'bout it.

Hell, only thing I can even remotely remember when I was actively studying such things (hobbyist, lol) is telomerase caps and their effects on aging and the body overall.

So for me, yeah...this is news to me.

this is a really interesting blog. great content, following!

I had to google some terms to fully understand it, but other than that the layman should be able to grasp this without much issue. Great stuff as usual.

I enjoy pretending that I understand this! I might grow a few brain cells and learn to comprehend it by next week.

I thoroughly enjoy your enthusiasm. I shall follow.

Unfortunately I didn't understand this one too well, maybe you can elaborate what this means in layman's terms haha

Nice post quite interesting, but yer I guess you should simplify it, so everyone can read.

The purpose of this blog as a whole is to get people interested in science and to make the readers curious about what goes on around them. If there is just one thing I want people to get from reading this blog, I want people to realize that the universe makes sense, and we are able to make sense out of everything from a regulation of lactose-digesting enzymes to the propagation of light across billions of light years. This post was updated at 4:17 AM to help readers without a heavy biology background to understand the operon.

Very interesting. I like the fact that you don't over simplify things, it forces me to do my research and that way I learn more. Keep it up!

This was very informative and I totally learned some-new things from it.

whoa man you really know what you're talking about! can't wait for more.

I feel like with this kind of stuff it's natural to be challenging and require focus and attention. There isn't anything wrong with that and you do an excellent job of making it easier to understand.

People who don't like it don't have to read it.

It's the internet, it's your blog. Rock out :)

I appreciate the info you share - I have yet to take my bio requirement for my degree, but I have a feeling this blog will help ease me into it! Thanks!

outside of the lab, how would an individual create the situation where lactose was high glucose was low? IE exercise or just fasting? Just curious

I'm not too knowledgable about this sort of stuff, but a few people I work with are working on riboswitches and they have a similar role as regulators.

I love this blog, my favorite class in school was biology!! :-D

the orange box analogy with the operons worked really well. im glad you said it

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